Sunday 28 November 2010

Education Education Education - Part 1 Kindergarten

Kindergarten -The first encounter took place while I was on holiday back in my homeland in Hong Kong. One day my father,wife,daughter and I were taking a afternoon stroll along the park. While in the park we saw these elderly couple walking along with a toddler (I later found out the toddler was their grandson). Like many other parents, I grabbed every single opportunity for my own toddler daughter to interact with other children. I approached the elderly couple and their grandchild with my 2-year-old daughter. "My name is Sophia I am 2 year old", I spoke on behalf of my daughter. The boy was shy and didn't reply. "Oh why don't you reply to this man", said the grandfather to the little boy, "staying quiet like this and not replying to question will not get you to kindergarten". I must admit I was puzzled with what the grandfather said to his grandson. The grandparents probability realised I don't live in Hong Kong and explained to me the situation. Their 2 year grandson went to an interview for kindergarten education and he was rejected. The main reason was that during the interview he was too shy to reply answers.

From what I heard so far, in Hong Kong getting into kindergarten involves three thing: Money,waiting list, and interview. Has the education system expected too much from our toddler? Shyness is a sin for a 2 year old?

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